Saturday, February 9, 2013

List of Grand Masters of the Knights Templars

Each man who held the position of Grand Master of the Knights Templar was the supreme commander of the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon (also known as the Knights Templar), starting with founder Hugues de Payens in 1118. While many Grand Masters chose to hold the position for life, abdication was not unknown. Some masters chose to leave for life in monasteries or diplomacy. Grand Masters often led their knights into battle on the front line and the numerous occupational hazards of battle made some tenures very short.

Each country had its own Master, and the Masters reported to the Grand Master. He oversaw all of the operations of the Order, including both the military operations in the Holy Land and eastern Europe, and the financial and business dealings in the Order's infrastructure of western Europe. The Grand Master controlled the actions of the order but he was expected to act the same way as the rest of the knights. After the Pope issued a Papal Bull on behalf of the Templars, the Grand Master was obliged to answer only to Rome.

#ArmsNameTime in office
1.Hughes de Payns.svgHugues de Payens1118-1136
2.Armoiries Robert de Craon.svgRobert de Craon1136-1147
3.Armoiries Evrard des Barres.svgEverard des Barres1147-1151
4.Armoiries Bernard de Tramelay.svgBernard de Tremelay 1151-1153
5.Armoiries André de Montbard.svgAndré de Montbard1153-1156
6.Armoiries Bertrand de Blanquefort.svgBertrand de Blanchefort1156-1169
7.Armoiries Philippe de Milly.svgPhilip of Milly1169-1171
8.Armoiries Eudes de Saint-Amand.svgOdo de St Amand (POW)1171-1179
9.Armoiries Arnaud de Toroge.svgArnold of Torroja1181-1184
10.Armoiries Gérard de Ridefort.svgGerard de Ridefort 1185-1189
11.Armoiries Robert de Sablé.svgRobert de Sablé1191-1193
12.Armoiries Gilbert Hérail.svgGilbert Horal1193-1200
13.Armoiries Philippe du Plaissis.svgPhillipe de Plessis1201-1208
14.Armoiries Guillaume de Chartres.svgGuillaume de Chartres1209-1219
15.Armoiries Pierre de Montaigu.svgPedro de Montaigu1218-1232
16.Armoiries Armand de Périgord.svgArmand de Périgord (POW)1232-1244
17.Richard de Bures (Disputed)1244/5-1247 [1]
18.Armoiries Guillaume de Saunhac.svgGuillaume de Sonnac 1247-1250
19.Armoiries Renaud de Vichiers.svgRenaud de Vichiers1250-1256
20.Armoiries Thomas Bérard.svgThomas Bérard1256-1273
21.Armoiries Guillaume de Beaujeu.svgGuillaume de Beaujeu 1273-1291
22.Armoiries Thibaud Gaudin.svgThibaud Gaudin1291-1292
23.Armoiries Jacques de Molay.svgJacques de Molay1292-1314
Hugues de Payens, First Grand Master
Jacques de Molay, Last (23rd) Grand Master

Notes  : 1. ^ Armand de Périgord was either killed or captured at the battle of La Forbie; authorities differ. Richard de Bures commanded the Templars until the election of Guillame de Sonnac; whether he was Grand Master is disputed. See here

``(From Mackey's Lexicon of Freemasonry.)

``List of Grand Masters, from the Death of Jacques de Molay.
``Order was not annihilated either by the bull of Clement V. or the despotism of Philip IV., or the treachery and meanness of Edward II., but is due to the action of De Molay himself, who in anticipation of his fate, A. D. 1313, appointed John Mark Larmenius as his successor in office. From that time to the present regular and uninterrupted succession of Grand Masters has been maintained, as follows:''

John Mark Larmenius1313
Thomas Theobald Alexandrinus;otherwise
Francis Thomas Theobald1324
Arnold de Braque1340
John de Claremont1349
Bertrand du Guesclin1357
John Arminiacus1381
Bernard Arminiacus1392
John Arminiacus1419
John de Croy1451
Bernard Imbault1472
Robert Lenoncourt1478
Galeatius de Salazar1497
Philip Chabot1516
Gaspard de Galtiaco Tavanensis1544
Henry de Montmorency1574
Charles de Valois1615
James Ruxellius de Granceio1651
James Henry, Duc de Duras1681
Philip, Duke of Orleans1705
Louis Augustus Bourbon1724
Louis Henry Bourbon Conde1737
Louis Francis Bourbon Conty1741
Louis Hercules Timoleon, Due de Cosse Brissac.1776
Claude M. R. Chevillon1792
Bernard Raymund Fabre Palaprat1804
Sir William Sidney Smith
1838 Died 1840

Source : 
2. (mss/a7)

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