"I came across a connected link, from one of the group's member pages, prophesying with some certainty ... an epic disaster of untold proportion, billed as... 'Great Earthquake L.A. Calif. USA 2010'"
(earthquake rocks California hours after this is posted)
by Steve Thomas
(for henrymakow.com)
The Bilderberg Group is part of the 'shadowy elite' that runs the world. They meet annually in secret, surrounded by security. Nobody can get near them or witness their deliberations.
So it was with some surprise this week, that I found them in Facebook, (beginning again with Sofia Von Laufenberg,) encountering what appears to be the central organising principal of this very group. I came face to face with... the 'Grand Master of the Guilderberg'!
'Bilderberg', you may quizzically retort. No. Swap the 'B' for a 'Gu', and you've got the name in one! Has this group established a modern pseudonym to disguise their ancient Guild? In fact we shall see that the Bilderberg connection is embedded within this secretive Guild. The Grandmaster, Van Hausen Guilder (a play on words), un-dramatically describes his order as, "a 570 year old society of distinguished individuals". Do remember -- to view these pages we need to log in to a Facebook account.
Registered amongst the Guilderberg's primary associations are; the Large Hadron Collider, Goldman Sachs, Nicola Tesla's scientific discoveries, Queen Elizabeth II, Imperial Russia, and Montecristo cigars (although you would require a fairly large humidor to host 12 of these beauties at 74% humidity, we are informed.)
Firstly I suppose, it would be wise to check this "Grandmaster's" credentials, prior to raising interest in the Grand Order of the GUILDERBERGERS. Note the following list of 'friends':
... An Onassis, 20 Rothschilds, 12 Rockefellers, a Battenberg and a Mountbatten...
... Abdulaziz S F Al-Saud: http://www.facebook.com/
... the 33rd degree Albert Pike in memoriam (with more freemasonry links than you could throw into a skip)...
... Prinz von Coburg, and 20 other Princes and Princesses of noble birth...
... more Dukes, Barons and Counts than one might shake a stick at...
... pages claiming the names of Mr. 'David Blaine White' (master of the magic arts) and 'Don John Trump'.
... A 'Banking Switzerland' agency to help the unfortunate collective store their diamonds, gold and silver... and a 'Sotheby's International Realtor', to help to spend them well... (click on the name to load the page)
But this is not simply the gathered Royal families of Europe and Arabia - a Royal flush of Kings, Queens and Jacks in fours. No. Here we find the ace in place, at the bottom of the pack. Once again we find listed, Mr. "William (Bill) Henry Gates" - our old friend, 'Microsoft Man'.
But as the truly humble Royal King of noblest birth once said: "the last shall be first, and the first shall be last."
But the most interesting entry in the Grandmaster of the Guilderberg's list of associates, is none other than Hans Bilderberg:
At the top of the Grandmaster's main page we find a devilish crest, bestowing his representative gaze upon this treasured collective. The sight of a morbid human skull and skeleton stands aloft, with daggers poised to strike fear within the heart; but it doesn't seem to repel this sure-footed elite. The rulers of our age make place and home for lesser mortal man as well.
Embedded within the heart of the listed membership of this inner circle, we find the "Friends of Freemasonry", listing 2000 lodges and degrees, connecting the world of men to the realm of the gods by esoteric and archetypal craft:
Multiple links abound to the bizarre, the decadent, the esoteric, the ritually Satanic - from the "Cabinet Prométhée" - to the "Order of the Black Wolf"...
To be accepted onto any Facebook 'friends list', a two-way communication must take place, where an offer is presented, which is then accepted by the other party. This enables the sharing of information, open dialogue, access to friends and photographs, and daily updates of personal activity.
This process of registered connectivity cannot occur without the consent of both parties. In the case of becoming a 'fan' of a group, this is not the same. It is possible to simply join many groups without need for acceptance. If it is a closed group, the moderator acts as gate-keeper to membership.
This secretive form of closed membership appears to be the modus operandi of the secretive and exclusive Guilderberg Group. You would require a personal pass from the Grandmaster himself to grace his inner halls. Strangely, for such an illustrious and agéd institution, it carries no known Wikipedia entry. Funny that.
The Grandmaster's page appears to be the focal list of principal members. But there is another page - the main Guilderberg Group page, conveying the bona fide initiate to an 'invitation only' website for access to members' privileges. The website defines itself through front-of-house scrolling photographs of Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan, as they dissolve the Cold War East-West divide, establishing détente on a well cushioned settee amongst relaxed company:
Exclusive benefits designed to tempt, present as: empty brick cellar-style "Guilderberg dens" (for no advertised purpose), "favor circles", "proactive Government", "aircraft and yacht deals and networking" and "eyes-only business offers". (These claims can easily be checked via the link above).
The main Facebook page for the Guilderberg group reveals the prevailing interests of the clan, (over and above the offered acquisition of a spacious G450 Gulfstream jet from "a fellow distinguished member"):
- The Svalbard Global Seed Vault (described as a "Guilderberg Initiative",) buried deep within a frozen Norwegian mountainside:
- The achievements of respected Guilderberger, Nicola Tesla, of whom it is written: "Initiated in 1883, Bother Nicola quickly gained prominence within the Guild due to his integrity, brilliance and prolific favours to fellow Guilderbergers":
- And general Guilderberg photographs of illustrious places, people and historic events (including the barbarous Joseph Stalin amongst his compatriots):
- The final photographic evidence in this catalogue of 'Guilderberg' memorabilia, is an imposing image of a real life Illuminati Pyramid - standing as dark testimony to the now revealed association of the group.
It is of enormous concern, connecting the dots between the declared importance of Tesla's advertised discoveries to the Guilderberg group, and the potentially destructive Tesla HAARP effect in creating earthquake triggers (investigated by Jesse Ventura amongst others). So with alarm I came across a connected link, from one of the group's member pages, prophesying with some certainty an as yet, unfulfilled event - an epic disaster of untold proportion, billed as...
"Great Earthquake L.A. Calif. USA 2010"
The interested proponents of this woeful prediction (click on the 'members tab', bottom, page left) seem to represent some of the crème de la crème of elite global hierarchy. Have steps been taken to warn the Californian populus of this impending disaster? If this is jest, it is well connected jest, and sinister beyond belief! We must urgently question the important distinctions between MIHOP and LIHOP (google it). Is this malice aforethought disguised as prophetic insight? God forbid!
We round the final corner of this disturbing journey, to discover the random doodlings of the "rare and valuable" man, concerned about his place in this uncertain world. Do take the time to skip across to - 'the fans of the James Rothschild's show profile', once you've recovered:
We wonder why people of this capacity do not have their own internal networks. The Illuminati like to hide "in plain view."
Steve Wesley Thomas, 46, is an Organic Gardener in Cornwall, England.
contact: cornwallsteve@aol.com
source : http://www.henrymakow.com/tracking_the_illuminati_2.html
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