image by Zack Covell |
‘Circle of 8′ – POOR SARA
I have added the number sequence from 1 to 36 to the image above to show a precise count of the 36 decans. The 36 characters proceed in a counter-clockwise orientation on the outer edge of the Denderah circle. These are called decans because in a circle of 360 degrees divided by 36 it equals 10, therefore deca, ten. As you can see this allows three decans per zodiac sign (every 30 degrees). E. C. Krupp states that the images around the perimeter are definitely decan stars only nobody knows which ones are which stars.
Notice that the large disk with the eight symbols inside, has been left out of the decan count, as it is very plain that this symbol is not like any of the other 36 characters (figures, animals, statues, etc.). Some claim it to be Decan stars and therefore it is one of the 36 characters around the circle of the Denderah zodiac, which every ten degrees the stars identified by the glyph is reactive.
In the book by Denon “Descriptions de l’Egypte“, it states that the symbol and line drawing show that in the circle are eight men on their knees, with their heads chopped off, and their arms tied behind their backs, possibly representing the world of the enemies (as the classic image of foreign enemies) to the Egyptians. The image to the right is found on the temple north of Esneh (see Trevisan, Figure 2 – file “Den_2.htm”) Descriptions de l’Egypte,” vol. I, pl. 87. It appears to be different from the eight characters in the large disk of the Zodiac of Denderah.
Circle of 8
The eight captives inside the square (on the left) represent eight (actually 9 but traditionally seen as being 8) that could form the left-hand half of Capricornus.These figures do stand for the glyphic symbol of enemies or wickedness.These are Decan stars and the glyphs say Sa-r-a or a-r-sa.
Above the figure to the right is also named sa-r-a.A possible indicator of epithet, title or a piece of time.
POOR SARA and the Sator Square
At this time I want to point out that the TENET cross divides the square into four equal quadrants.
The 16 letters used spell out SARA POOR POOR SARASARA SARA
por que sera sara!
what will be
will be…
VIRGIN MARY 13th Century Monastic Symbols
The 4 black dots in the monastic symbol might equate to 2xP and 2xR?65 = 6 + 5 = 11
The Seal of Solomon is associated with both the 6-pointed hexagram and the 5-pointed pentagram.
55 atoms are connected to the 55 white and black dots found in the Ho Tu and to the 55 atoms that apparently comprise the two Seals of Solomon, the ACGT that comprises our DNA!
i.e. pentagons and hexagons forming molecular chains
Alpha and the Omega
Can we match up the EIGHT A + O to the EIGHT fish found in the outer ring on this bowl dated to 5000 BCE?
Note the other four fish we see attached to the necks of the birds are associated to the 2P and 2R, because the four E found on the Sator Square are equivalent to the necks of the birds. i.e. the M-E-W-3
Remembering that both concepts, the Alpha and Omega (denoting beginning and end) and ‘fish’ are associated with Jesus.
Alpha = 52
Omega = 52
4A= 52
4O= 52
4T= 52
4E= 52
4R= 52
4 corners (2R+2S) = 52
2P = 26
2S = 26
2P+2S = 52N = 13
note below in the Pyramid Cipher and Order 5 Magic Square that ALL of the centers - N = 13
Do you see the ‘52‘ in this depiction of Viracocha?
Viracocha was one of the most important deities in the Inca pantheon and seen as the creator of all things, or the substance from which all things are created, and intimately associated with the sea.Viracocha created the universe, sun, moon and stars, time (by commanding the sun to move over the sky)and civilization itself. Viracocha was worshipped as god of the sun and of storms. He was represented as wearing the sun for a crown, with thunderbolts in his hands, and tears descending from his eyes as rain.
I highlighted Northeast and Northwest because many temples are oriented in those directions too, with North playing a significant role.In another legend,[8] Viracocha had two sons, Imahmana Viracocha and Tocapo Virachocha. After the Great Flood and the Creation, Viracocha sent his sons to visit the tribes to the Northeast and Northwest to determine if they still obeyed his commandments. Viracocha himself traveled North. During their journey, Imaymana and Tocapo gave names to all the trees, flowers, fruits and herbs. They also taught the tribes which of these were edible, which had medicinal properties, and which were poisonous. Eventually, Viracocha, Tocapo and Imahmana arrived at Cuzco (in modern day Peru) and the Pacific seacoast where they walked across the water until they disappeared. The word “Viracocha” literally means “Sea Foam.”
Northeast and Northwest
The simplest reason for this orientation is that during the summer solstice, on the longest day of the year, the sun rises in the NE and sets in the NW.
The Language of Pattern: An Enquiry Inspired by Islamic Decoration
Marko Rodin probably has this book in his library.A book I should have a look at.
An Early Christian Cryptogram?
University of St. Michael’s College, Toronto
Serious investigation of the origin and nature of the Rotas-Sator square began in 1881 with the publication of Köhler’s historical survey in Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. A vigorous and protracted debate has been illuminated from time to time by the brilliant researches of modem archaeology; but despite almost eighty years of academic controversy no conclusive solution has yet been found to the mystery of the ‘magic square’.
The discovery at Pompeii, however, of specimens reasonably conjectured to be earlier than A.D. 79, together with the implied presence of Christians before the eruption of Vesuvius, presented grave difficulties. These were formulated by Jerphanion at a meeting of the Académie des Inscriptions in 1937.
A rebus which is typical of this magic genre may well have been inscribed by Latin-speaking Jews, familiar with Hebrew and the Hebraic method of writing. Such a solution would also provide a convincing answer to the difficulties inherent in a Christian origin. Although the A/0 sign may not have been in Christian use before its appearance in the Apocalypse, the idea occurs much earlier in such passages as Ex. 3.14; Is. 41.4, and 44.6. The letters aleph and thau are also used in the Talmud to symbolize completeness and totality.
The appearance of this symbolism in a Jewish rebus would therefore be quite plausible, particularly in conjunction with the T’s of TENET.These may best be explained not as Christian crosses, but as a Latin form of the Jewish thau sign, the symbol of salvation which, in the vision of Ezekiel, saved the Just from the avenging angel. This mark in its archaic form (+) appears regularly on ossuaries of the Hellenistic and early Roman periods, particularly at Jerusalem.
The central position of the N may also be significant.
The Jews attached a peculiar power to the mere pronouncement of the ‘Name’, in particular of the Divine Name.
As the initial letter of the word nomen, N might also serve here as the Latin equivalent of the Hebraic םש, the unique Divine Name, fount of Divine Power and centre and origin of all things.
The remaining question is the proper interpretation of ROTAS OPERA TENET AREPO SATOR. Despite efforts to trace its imagery to the Ezekiel passage or to the concept of logos as charioteer, no explanation has ever convincingly elucidated its Delphic meaning.
Lattices – Unit Cells and the letter - N
A general formula can be derived from the arguments just presented for counting N, the number of atoms or ions in a unit cell. It is
Since logarithms are nothing more than exponents, these rules come from the rules of exponents. Let a be greater than 0 and not equal to 1, and let n and m be real numbers.Can we apply modern math formulas to ciphers, codes, and magic squares?
Exponential Rule 1:
Why not?
Has the IDEA of what the letter ‘N’ means been carried forward?

N = 13
Using the Pyramid Cipher, “KNIGHTS TEMPLAR” can be encoded as “BNOHVSE SPZTGCM.” By using one or more filler letters, the cipher might look like “BNOHVSEOSPZTGCMY” with ‘J’ and ‘Q’ as encoded fillers (‘O’ and ‘Y’).
Remember that ‘I’ can also be encoded as ‘O.’ The letters can be substituted with numbers to create a number cipher: “2-13-14-8-21-18-5 18-15-25-19-7-3-12.” After adding the ‘J’ and ‘Q’ fillers, the cipher would look like “2-13-14-8-21-18-5-14-18-15-25-19-7-3-12-24.”
Knowing that numbers 1-25 represent the letters, a cipher message could mix in additional numbers up to 50 or 100. The person doing the decoding would remove all numbers above 25, leaving the real cipher numbers: “33-2-13-49-28-14-41-8-26-21-37-29-18-28-48-5″ = “2-13-14-8-21-18-5″ = “KNIGHTS.”
The Key of Solomon
(Clavicula Salomonis)For obtaining grace and influence write down the following words:
SATOR, AREPO, TENET, OPERA, ROTAS, IAH, IAH, IAH, ENAM, IAH, IAH, IAH, KETHER, CHOKMAH, BINAH, GEDULAH, GEBURAH, TIPHERETH, NETZACH, HOD, YESOD, MALKUTH, ABRAHAM, ISAAC, JACOB, SHADRACH, MESHACH, ABEDNEGO, be ye all present in my aid and for whatsoever I shall desire to obtain.note to self: This incantation is also given in 1307 Sloane MSS., page 76. -SLM
Luo Shu expanded to 5×5 | E | P |
E | N | E |
P | E | R |
The last hidden message that can be gleaned from the sator square comes from the “spokes” within the inner square.The above clues I feel we can apply to understanding how the Sator Square can be used as an algorithm, which I try to illustrate in this blog here:
The letters PNP, translating as “stalk related stalk”, can be seen to be a reference to the cross.
The letters RNR, translating as “movement related movement”, can be seen as a reference to repeating prior movements or to teaching.
The letters ENE, translating as “out of related out of”, can be seen as a reference to the assembly or meeting of members of the same community.
Sator Square – Twistor String Theory – Penrose & Witten & Wedekind
Now, the title song of this epigraph is precisely MCSIII and also contains the letters in the slab of SATOR in the same parish. ”Unlike interpreted is the date set at the beginning, the reading of which changes depending on how you intend the letter ‘S’. If it was short of the number 6, the date of construction would be 1109, as claimed prof. P. Bacci in 1910 , while more recent studies suggest the date of 1173 given the ‘ S ‘stands for septuaginta. “,%20SATOR….htm
We can see that the iconic code of magic square gives us the representation of the triple enclosure (see fig.9), the esoteric symbol teleological linked to the Great Mother, the symbol that expresses the path of initiation that must take the man to climb gradually to the First Cause, in order to achieve unity with the Divine: the first Black, White then, finally, the Red, or the Great Work.
Could N be comprised of a smaller 3×3 grid that we see below in the Bush Barrow Lozenge?
Bush Barrow Lozenge or BBL
note: the Bush Barrow Lozenge could be placed over the 7×7 Magic Square of Venus or the 9×9 Magic Square of the Moon.Both Venus and the lozenge/diamond shapes are associated with feminine aspects.
The diamond is a square rotated 45 degrees.
And the square is associated with the male.
Focus only on the 5×5 in the center….
HER = 888 = Jesus + D = HERD
H – 8 – 4A 4O
E – 8 – 4E 2R 2S
R – 8 – 4T 2R 2P
D – 1 - N
The Lord Watches Over Thee HERD?
Letters in RED correspond to the appropriate Sator Square letters.
source for above text: The Chaldean Oracles of Zoroaster
by William Wynn Wescott
Freemason George Washington laying the New World cornerstone.
@ 3:13
Why C + OWS protestations = COWS moovement
There is an invocation that is performed at the consecration of every Freemason Lodge or temple.
It involves the traditional offerings of corn, oil, wine, salt. These 4 offerings are also associated with the 4 ELements, the 4E or the 4EvangELIsts, the 4 Sons of Horus, the 4 Devarajas, 4 Mayan Bacabs, or the 4 cardinal directions.
4 offerings:
1/ EARTH the scatttering of Corn from the NORTH/YELLOWAnd look how the Four offerings spell COWS if we induce precession/precess or rotate CCW starting in the North scattering the seeds of Corn.
2/ FIRE the pouring of the Oil from the WEST/RED
3/ WATER the pouring of the Wine from the SOUTH/BLUE
4/ AIR the flashes (lightning/gamma rays?) of the Salt in the EAST/WHITE
C orn scattered in the NorthObviously we are being lead?
O il poured in the West
W ine poured in the South
S alt flashes in the East
You are not sure?
Continue reading below, I have attached an in depth meaning for each of those 4 sacraments listed above.
HERE is the main dilemma … how do you tell the herds of sheeple that they are in fact a HERD of COWS that is being watched over by either a ‘Big Brother’ or ‘Gott’ acting as HERDer?
Moove along NOW, the NWO has WON?
(the ancients loved anagrams btw, so do modern corporations…)
Starting on page 39 the author C.W. Leadbeater discusses the 3 degrees that exist beyond the 3 degrees, he refers to them as colors.
i.e. RED, BLACK, and the highest conferred is WHITE Masonry
137-9 Mesoamerica Code
And with everything else I have discussed about the number 137 being associated with the letters LEI (just rotate 180 degrees 137 =LEI) do you think it was coincidence or a deSIGN of the TIMEs that Adolf HItLEr has a LEI in his name?AHA !
Another name for the swastika in China is the LEI WEN which means ‘THUNDER SCROLL‘.
And also this little coincidence the universe has served up:
LEI Wen is a municipality in the Trier-Saarburg district, in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.
by Albert MacKEY
Corn, wine, and oil are the Masonic elements of consecration. The adoption of these symbols is supported by the highest antiquity. Corn, wine, and oil were the most important productions of Eastern countries; they constituted the wealth of the people, and were esteemed as the supports of life and the means of refreshment David enumerates them among the greatest blessings that we enjoy, and speaks of them as “wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengtheneth man’s heart” (Psalm civ., 15). In devoting anything to religious purposes, the anointing with oil was considered as a necessary part of the ceremony, a rite which has descended to Christian nations. The tabernacle in the wilderness, and all its holy vessels, were, by God’s express command, anointed with oil; Aaron and his two sons were set apart for the priesthood with the same ceremony ; and the prophets and kings of Israel were consecrated to their offices by the same rite.
Hence, Freemasons’ Lodges, which are but temples to the Most High, are consecrated to the sacred purposes for which they were built by strewing corn , wine, and oil upon the Lodge, the emblem of the Holy Ark.
Thus does this mystic ceremony instruct us to be nourished with the hidden manna of righteousness, to be refreshed with the Word of the Lord, and to rejoice with joy unspeakable in the riches of divine grace. “Wherefore, my brethren,” says the venerable Harris (Discourse iv, 81), “wherefore do you carry corn, wine, and oil in your processions, but to remind you that in the pilgrimage of human life you are to impart a portion of your bread to feed the hungry, to send a cup of your wine to cheer the sorrowful, and to pour the healing oil of your consolation into the wounds which sickness hath made in the bodies, or afflictions rent in the heart, of your fellow-travelers?”
In processions, the corn alone is carried in a golden pitcher, the wine and oil are placed in silver vessels, and this is to remind us that the first, as a necessity and the “staff of life,” is of more importance and more worthy of honor than the others, which are but comforts.
In the Helvetian or Swiss instructions, salt is added to corn, wine, and oil as one of the elements of consecrations because it is a symbol of the wisdom and learning which should characterize a Freemason’s Lodge.
When the foundation-stone of a Lodge is laid, the Helvetian ceremonial directs that it shall be sprinkled with salt, and this formula be used: “May this undertaking, contrived by wisdom, be executed in strength and adorned with beauty, so that it may be a house where peace, harmony, and brotherly love shall perpetually reign.” This is but carrying out the ancient instructions of Leviticus (ii, 13).” And every oblation of thy meat offering shalt thou season with salt; neither shalt thou suffer the salt of the covenant of thy God to be lacking from thy meat offering with all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt.” Significant as are the references in the Bible to salt, as the rubbing of salt on the new-born child (Ezekiel xvi, 4); the allusions in Mark (ix, 49, 50).”
For every one shall be salted with fire and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt. Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltiness, wherewith will ye season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another;” the burnt offerings of Ezekiel (xliii, 24) were sprinkled with salt, “And thou shalt offer them before the Lord, and the priests shall east salt upon them, and they shall offer them up for a burnt offering unto the Lord;” the “covenant of salt for ever before the Lord unto thee and to thy seed with thee” of Numbers (xvii, 19) and again in Second Chronieles (xii, 5), these are all reminders of the ancient importance of salt, the symbol of pledged affiliation, as in the weighty and warning utterance of Jesus in Matthew (v, 13).”
Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It ins thenceforth good for nothing, but to be east out, and to be trodden under foot of men.” Salt to the ancient world was pronounced a substance dear to the gods (Plato, Timaeus) and to break bread and eat salt at a meal with others were symbols of lighted faith and loyalty.
ELoHIM = Aleph, Lamed, He, Yod, Mem
In his 5×5 square, starting from the Hebrew letter ALEPH (in the center), work your way out in the 4 directions spelling ELOHIM, this results in 4 bents arms = swastika = tetragrammton = YHWHWhat is also to be noted is that the center square (i.e. Aleph, D or N) in ALL three 5×5 grids appears only once.
Of the names of God in the Old Testament, that which occurs most frequently (6,823 times) is the so-called Tetragrammaton, Yhwh, the distinctive personal name of the God of Israel.
This name is commonly represented in modern translations by the form “Jehovah,” which, however, is a philological impossibility (see Jehovah). This form has arisen through attempting to pronounce the consonants of the name with the vowels of Adonai ( = “Lord”), which the Masorites have inserted in the text, indicating thereby that Adonai was to be read (as a “ḳeri perpetuum”) instead of Yhwh.
When the name Adonai itself precedes, to avoid repetition of this name, Yhwh is written by the Masorites with the vowels of Elohim, in which case Elohim is read instead of Yhwh. In consequence of this Masoretic reading the authorized and revised English versions (though not the American edition of the revised version) render Yhwh by the word “Lord” in the great majority of cases.
The diagram above shows the ‘Tetragrammaton’ written in
Phoenician (blue script)
Aramaic (red script)
modern Hebrew (black script).
go to: YHVH Tetragrammaton
H - 8
These numbers especially the 888 have been associated with Jesus. By coincidence the year 1888 has showed up so often along my journey that has involved science, mysticism, and religion.
E - 8
R - 8
D - 1
It all adds up now!
1+8+8+8= 25
According to Egyptian lore, 25 is the-ONE-to-come.
25 – 5^2 – 5×5 – the Birth of Enlightenment – the Messianic Ideal – Free Energy?
I suspect they represent numbers using straight lines in electronics for similar reasons that Norse RUNES used straight lines and not curves?
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